
Gerhard Gössl – the master of garps

Gerhard Gössl – the master of garps

Who: Gerhard Gössl, Entrepreneur
Where: Salzburg, Austria

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Gerhard Gössl in the entrance of his Gwandhaus in Salzburg. Gössl is the world’s largest garb manufacturer in the premium segment

The man wears garb. Principally. This is not really surprising as he’s well placed: Gerhard Gössl is the …

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Rolf Griesinger, the Grand Seigneur of Fashion

Rolf Griesinger, the Grand Seigneur of Fashion

Who: Rolf Griesinger, Fashion Entrepreneur
Where: Munich

In the heart of Munich is the Meindl Authentic Luxury Store, where I easily bring my credit card to glow

He is the Grand Seigneur of fashion, being in the industry for more than 30 years. One who has seen it all and …

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