Arne Jacobsen

The Storyteller from the Straußberger Platz

The Storyteller from the Straußberger Platz

Who: Andreas Tölke – Journalist
Where: Berlin – Mitte

The Straußberger Platz in Berlin-Mitte

I ring the bell, the door opens and Müller welcomes me fawning. Müller is a truly cute, black-white-fury, French bulldog and is used to the current stream of visitors. Most of the guests, who are giving …

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A visit to Anna Jill Lüpertz

A visit to Anna Jill Lüpertz

Who: Anna Jill Lüpertz, Gallery Owner and Markus Keibel, Artist
Where: Berlin Moabit

The livingroom of Anna Jill Lüpertz and Markus Keibel in their cosy old building

When two people move in together, it happens that two lives and two households are mixed together. But what if one doesn’t like …

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