This is what Berlin smells like …

… Just awesome!
MyStylery presents: The Coffee Table Book „DDR limited”. The distinctive life and style of East Berlin’s grand former socialist boulevard, the Karl-Marx-Allee and where it originates, the Strausberger Platz.


“DDR limited”: The distinctive life and style of East Berlin’s grand former socialist boulevard, the Karl-Marx-Allee and where it originates, the Strausberger Platz. Gestalten Verlag, Hardcover, 176 pages, 29,90 Euro Photo: Central Berlin, DDR Limited”, ©Skjerven

This book is a journey for all architecture fans and devoted to the buildings of the Karl-Marx-Allee and thus the most monumental construction project of the former GDR. Fascinating and great: “DDR limited” also includes some sentimental sensitives: The Norwegian scent expert Sissel Tolaas appeals to the senses of smell and takes the reader through impregnated pages to the smell of Berlin from then and now.


Instead of the austere Bauhaus tradition, the architects kept to the socialist classicism which also coined the Moscow skyline. Here the “Mocha Milk Bar”, Karl-Marx-Allee 35. Photo: Central Berlin, “DDR limited”, ©Skjerven

As a “showcase of socialism”, the Stalin Allee has been designed between 1952 and 1958 on the Soviet model to become the architectural symbol of the workers ‘and peasants’ state. With the in 1961 renamed Karl-Marx-Allee, the SED clarified the Stalin Allee to an extensive Sovietization of Berlin, which did not stop – even after urban development. The avenue with its broad green stripes, is framed by striking seven to nine-story residential and office buildings and was a representative march-past and parade route to the socialist Berlin.


The “Interflor” flower shop at Karl-Marx-Allee 32. Photo: “DDR limited”, ©Skjerven

In addition to the historical photographs of the book, “DDR limited” also presents the interior and living concepts of the present inhabitants. Although most homes are only equipped with two or three rooms, it becomes clear that the classics of DDR designs combine with Western counterparts and the current furniture matches. In fact, the architecture around the Strausberger Platz today appears modern and aesthetically – if one disregards the ideological aspect of the builders – making it one of the sought-after residential areas of Berlin. BvH


One of the both tower houses at the Frankfurter Tor – which was meant as a tribute to the Domkuppeln on Gendarmenmarkt – with its 30-meter high columns dome, there is an exclusive townhouse on three floors of 40 square meters each. The domed hall is twelve meters high and has a balcony, wrapped around the building, from which you can enjoy a stunning panoramic view of Berlin. Photo: “DDR limited”, ©Skjerven


“DDR limited” is an inspiring Coffee Table Book of the art directors André Wyst and Stephan Schilgen with photos by Jens Bösenberg. This pic shows a Schicht-daybed from 1953, Pilastro-florlamp and Aalto stool. Painting “Neuschwanstein III” by Arnim Boehm. Photo: “DDR limited”, Central Berlin, ©Skjerven


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