
Design Hotel The New Yorker

Design Hotel The New Yorker

What: The New Yorker – Hotel
Where: Köln

The mask originates from Stefan Rosendahl

A boutique hotel on the ‘wrong’ site of the Rhine that additionally has put its main focus on art? Well, what a peculiar combination. Precisely therefore Johannes Adams decided to set up his boutique hotel ‘New …

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Welcome to the Pan Am Lounge!

Welcome to the Pan Am Lounge!

What: Pan Am Lounge & Suite
Where: Berlin

Very chic: Pan Am Lounge employee Cecilie looks like she just appeared from a time journey in her Pan Am uniform

There’re lots of party hotspots in Berlin, but one of them is ranked very high in my personal ranking: the Pan …

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Restaurant Coast and its fabulous crossover kitchen

Restaurant Coast and its fabulous crossover kitchen

What: Restaurant Coast
Where: HafenCity, Hamburg

Just the right thing for a summer in the HafenCity: The bistro of the ‘East’ Hotel has a superb terrace by the water with a view on the concert hall ‘Elbphilharmonie’ and the harbor

If you want to enjoy a combination of the harbor …

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Soho House Istanbul: An oriental fairy tale Palace

Soho House Istanbul: An oriental fairy tale Palace

What: Soho House, Hotel & Member Club
Where: Istanbul, Turkey

The Soho House with its white, neoclassical marble facade is chaped by circular arches and Corinthian columns

It’s like a fairy tale from 1000 and one nights, as if Scheherazade would tell her Sultan the story of the rich, Italian …

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Chutnify – South Indian Food in Berlin

Chutnify – South Indian Food in Berlin

What: Indian Restaurant in Berlin
Where: Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg

Chutnify: only 40 seats, a small but fine menu and a homy atmosphere

Aparna Aurora, founder and owner of the “Chutnify”

Aparna Aurora is actually a fashion designer and designed her collections for GAP, Hugo Boss and …

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